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Dream Vacations and so much more…
Bid on local goods and services, as well as fantastic travel destinations. Bidding will be open on July 13 & 14 at the Tinicum Arts Festival.

Local Donors!
1740 House, Lumberville, PA 1740House.com
Acme Screening Room, Lambertville, NJ AcmeScreeningRoom.org
Amanda’s Riverside Café , Erwinna, PA 484-305-1310
ArtYard, Frenchtown, NJ ArtYard.org
Bamboo House, Frenchtown, NJ BambooHouseNJ.com
Beckoning Cat Jewelry, Stewartsville, NJ TheBeckoningCat.etsy.com
Bella Calce Art, Easton, PA farmfemme1@gmail.com
Black Swan, Frenchtown, NJ BlackSwanProvisions.com
Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse Milford, NJ CowsOutside.com
Bridge Café, Frenchtown, NJ BridgeCafe.net
Bridgeton House on the Delaware , UBE, PA BridgetonHouse.com
Brig O’Doon Coffee, Ottsville, PA BrigODoonCoffeehouse.com
Bucks Bubbles, Doylestown, PA BucksBubbles.com
Bucks County Playhouse, New Hope, PA BCPTheater.org
Bucks County River Country Pt. Pleasant, PA RiverCountry.net
Casa Bizzaro, Frenchtown, NJ 267-424-0910
Chocolate in the Oven, Milford, PA ChocolateInTheOven.com
Cocina del Sol, Frenchtown, NJ Cocina-del-Sol.square.site
Colonial Woods Family Camping Resort , Upper Black Eddy, PA ColonialWoods.com
Country Chic, Frenchtown, NJ CountryChicConsignment.com
Dakota Moon, New Hope, PA dakota-moon.com
Dalla Terra, Frenchtown, NJ DallaTerraHome.com
Delaware River Pedal & Paddle UBE, PA DelawareRiverPedalPaddle.com
Dig Yoga, Frenchtown, NJ DigYoga.com
Doylestown Airport, Doylestown, PA DoylestownAirport.com
Doylestown Bookshop, Doylestown, PA DoylestownBookShop.com
Early Bird Espresso, Frenchtown, NJ 908-628-3183
Eat This! Yum, Erwinna, PA ETYum.com
Eco Loka, Frenchtown, NJ EcoLoka.shop
The Educated Grape, Erwinna, PA TheEducatedGrape.com
El Charro del Rio, Milford, NJ elCharrodelRio.com
Earthgirl Glass, Flemington, NJ earthgirl60@comcast.net
Earth Wish Angels, Quakertown, PA earthwishangels.com
Fly School Circus Arts, Erwinna, PA FlySchoolCircusArts.com
Frenchtown Bookshop, Frenchtown, NJ FrenchtownBookshop.com
Frenchtown Café, Frenchtown, NJ TheFrenchtownCafe.com
Frenchtown Hardware, Frenchtown, NJ FrenchtownHardware.com
Frenchtown Riding Club, Frenchtown, NJ FrenchtownRidingClub.com
From the Heart, Kintnersville, PA bercarichm@gmail.com
Fused Glass Designs, Warrington, PA bean.mail1@gmail.com
Gable Clayworks, Coopersburg, PA gableyoungart.com
Gemstone Gallery, Frenchtown, NJ 908-628-3200
Golden Pheasant Inn, Erwinna, PA GoldenPheasant.com
Honeymoon Bakery & Pizza , Frenchtown, NJ ShopHoneymoon.com
ICIS, Upper Black Eddy, PA icis@ptd.net
Kathleen Hooper-Milositz, Bethlehem, PA k.h.milositz@gmail.com
Kimberton Whole Foods, Ottsville, PA KimbertonWholefoods.com
Lenape Chamber Ensemble, Pipersville, PA LenapeChamberEnsemble.org
Lisa Naples Clay Studio, Frenchtown, NJ LisaNaples.com
LivFit 24/7 Fitness, Pipersville, PA LivFit.us
Modern Love, Frenchtown, NJ ShopModernLove.com
The Narrows, UBE, PA TheNarrowsRestaurantandBar.com
The National Hotel , Frenchtown, NJ TheNationalFrenchtown.com
Perfect Day Café, Frenchtown, NJ PerfectDayCoffee.net
Pickleball with Patricia Boyle, Doylestown, PA PBoylePickleball@gmail.com
Purotu Salon, Frenchtown, NJ PurotuSalon.com
River Gypsy, Frenchtown, NJ RiverGypsyNJ.com
Sand Castle Winery, Erwinna, PA SandCastleWinery.com
Schneiderwind Farm, Upper Black Eddy 610-294-2946
Schmidtberger Fine Arts, Frenchtown, NJ SFAGallery.com
Serenity Day Spa, Doylestown, PA Serenity-DaySpa.com
Stained Glass by Bonnie, Hackettstown, NJ htbonnie@comcast.net
Sublime, Frenchtown, NJ SublimeAndTonic.com
Sunbeam, Frenchtown, NJ SunbeamGeneral.com
Tracy Everly, Contemporary Visual Artist tracyeverly.com
Van Sant Airport, Erwinna, PA VanSantAirport.com
Wehrung’s, Ottsville, PA Wehrungs.com
Yoga Loka, Frenchtown, NJ Yoga-Loka.com
The 2024 Tinicum Arts Festival is Saturday, July 13th from 10am to 6pm & Sunday, July 14th from 10am to 5pm
$10 for adults and $1 for children 6-12. Children under 6 and parking are FREE.
The grounds are wheelchair accessible.
Pets and bicycles are not permitted within the Festival grounds.
The Tinicum Arts Festival is the primary fundraiser for the non-profit Tinicum Civic Association. All proceeds benefit the historic Stover Mill and over 30 local non-profit organizations.